Prayer Thursday, May 7, 2020 is the National Day of Prayer. The theme this year is, “Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth.” Prayerptharvey2020-05-02T10:56:30-04:00
God Hears Does it seem as if you have been praying for a special need or desire of your heart for an endless God Hearsptharvey2019-10-11T16:43:49-04:00
Schools I picked up a newsletter published by Intercessors for America which had been left at the office where I volunteer. This Schoolsptharvey2019-10-09T11:58:59-04:00
PUSH PUSH I saw a sign that gave a whole new meaning to PUSH, at least for me. I have always believed push PUSHptharvey2019-10-09T11:58:59-04:00