Welcome to Countryside Baptist Church
We are an Independent, Old Fashioned Baptist, King James Bible-Believing church. We choose the old paths of God’s Word over the modern, contemporary movement. We still adhere to old-fashioned Bible preaching and teaching, and sing and play the old-time hymns to glorify our Saviour. We invite you to come and join us as we grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ together.
King James Bible Believing – Fundamental – Independent – Soul winning – Separated – Pre-Millennial
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I heard a pastor recently say that he had trouble with the “forever” part of eternity. He believes it is as God’s Word says, but he just has trouble grasping the fact that it
The Grave
I counted dollars while God counted crosses. I counted gains while He counted losses! I counted my worth by the things gained in store. But He sized me up by the scars that I
I saw a sign on a window today that said, “What You Water Will Grow.” My mind was immediately bombarded with thoughts of what this could mean, and scriptures that spoke of water used