It’s once again Lord that I feel the wonder of all that you do, and all that You are. I am so thankful for you and your presence in my life; the difference that you make each day. I feel your love surround me giving a peace and joy I can find no other way or any other place. The beauty of your creation never ceases to amaze me as I look above or past the changes that man has made.
I hear your Word preached and know that there is much yet to be done and many who have not heard the truth of the Gospel. Help me to do my part to tell the lost of your mercy and grace. Touch and prepare hearts even before the word comes. May the ground be tilled and ready when the seed is sown? Be with those who labor in your fields. Give them strength to continue and faith to know that their work is not in vain.
I see as you answer requests for healing, guidance, wisdom, help with finances, and family situations. Remind us to love as you have loved us.
I pray you will remind me to look to you for fulfillment, joy and peace. I want to put aside the things of the world and the temporary pleasures they bring. My desire is that you will be pleased with my service to you.
Forgive the sins of our nation, please. Draw as a nation, all who know you, back to the wisdom and understanding of your Word. May we once again put the light of your Word before us and allow it to light the path as you guide our steps; steps that would not falter in our service and dedication to you.
I thank you again for the plan of salvation you made available to all men. As I come before your throne, in the power of your love, I pledge to you my life anew.
For the blessings today, tomorrow, and the days to come, I thank you.
By Wilda Caplinger