I’m not sure to what extent he was involved in the ministry, but I listened as a man talked of his, and the agency’s, work in getting Bibles into the hands of Christians around the world. I have heard many times of the hopes and prayers of so many Christians for a Bible of their own. I have read that some share pages from one Bible, memorizing what they can before passing it to someone else. Some of these are in countries where Bibles are not available and are even illegal, bringing persecution or death if one is caught with God’s Word.
He told a story of when he prayed and asked God why so many Christians are being taken out or defeated before their time. God showed him Pastors and workers in various ministries as they went about their duties. They each had their loins girt about with truth, wearing the breastplate of righteousness, having their feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. They had the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation. Yet they were being defeated one after another. Why? God said to look again. He did. Then he saw that none of them had the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:11-18)
How can I fight so great an enemy as Satan without the weapon that God designed for that very purpose? Am I taking seriously the battle that I face? Are my mind and my heart always on the Captain who leads me? Am I sharing the battle plan with others? Am I doing my part to encourage other soldiers, knowing we are on the winning side and that the victory truly will be ours? Then too, have I helped to provide weapons, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, to those where the weapons are not readily available?
I count it a wonderful blessing to have these programs available that speak to me, encouraging me to examine my life and the way I live. It’s a very special blessing to have with me a sword I can carry into battle as I stand for God and His Word.
By Wilda Caplinger