I came across a paper in an old Bible where I had written the words of a song many years ago. It was so long ago that I don’t remember all the music but just reading the words brought a blessing along with some wonderful memories.
The song is about military chaplains and some of the ways they serve our God and our Country. I very much appreciate the ones who have and do, continue serving our country. It’s because of them that I have some of the freedoms that I do. A chaplain not only serves our country, but He performs a great service for God. The Word as he presents it may be the first or only time some will hear what God’s Word says. I’m thankful for the work they do.
But a chaplain may serve God in ways that are not connected to the military. He may serve in a hospital, with Hospice, our government, or in some other chosen way.
It was through two of these ways that God blessed me with two special chaplains. One I never met. This was the chaplain in a Veterans Hospital who led my dad to the Lord just two weeks before he passed away almost sixty-eight years ago. The other was the Hospice Chaplain who served with the group that cared for my husband during his last months. Both of these brought blessings to me that God may never have sent any other way. I am so thankful for them and all they did.
Cherish the chaplains in your life. Remember they are not only serving in a chosen field, but they are serving God in life changing ways. They deliver blessings and hope as they present God and His Word to their own group of “soldiers.”