Today is Mother’s Day; a day set aside many years ago to honor our mothers. God’s Word speaks of honoring mothers and the goodness and love they can bring into the home.
Much has been said of the joy of being or having, a kind, loving mother. But today my heart breaks for the homes where a mother’s love is not found. I heard a mother just recently speaking of her childhood. Her mother was not a “good” mother and she truly did have a miserable life as a child. As a teenager she looked for love and acceptance in all the wrong ways, accounting for much sin in her life. She was later saved and has worked hard to overcome her past and to have a good life with her husband and children, with God as the head of their home. She even managed to have a civil relationship with her mother before her mother passed away.
Hers is not an isolated case. Many children are growing up in homes empty of a mother and her love. Some are now mothers themselves, having overcome the sins of the past, trying to bring the love, kindness, and care that she missed as a child into her own home. How many lack the skills to do this? Without the Lord where will they find the help that they need?
God’s Word says the older women can teach the younger. I have learned much from the younger so I know this works both ways. Is there some way I can show the mothers of God’s love? Can I love a child and help her to learn of a better way? God’s love will reach into any heart and bring changes that I cannot. Will my prayers help? Yes they will.
Today is Mother’s Day. It’s your day. I pray it is filled with the blessing of a mother’s wonderful love.